The GOP Brand….

The GOP brand has become a foul-tasting stew of wars against women, insults against seniors, alienation of Hispanics, dog-whistle undertones of racism against blacks, abusive congressional hearings and internecine warfare of Republican against Republican. Thank you, Karl Rove. May pundits extol your brilliance and Republicans applaud your sleaze. SOURCE:  Rove, Benghazi Lift Dems | Brent Budowsky. It seems that the Republican party is hell-bent on becoming extinct. Fox News is the face of the GOP for most of us. We know that the median age of viewers of that channel is above seventy years of age. We also know that the viewers … Continue reading The GOP Brand….

The Thing About Iraq….

This is going to be one of my soapbox posts so be warned. Iraq is back in the news now with the latest insurgence. It seems the Shiite Muslims just don’t want to go down without a fight and the Sunni Muslims who now have most of the power don’t want to give their rivals any breathing room. Civil war is the logical conclusion where one religious group is battling another. History has certainly seen a lot of these type of wars. Let’s flash back to the year 2000 when Saddam Hussein had iron fist control of the country. There … Continue reading The Thing About Iraq….