(WS) A Filtered Version Of The Truth…

“Spin” is very dominant in the world today. Marketers and con-artist, not that they are one always in the same, both have those who make “spin” their occupation’s purpose. Spinsters take a topic and try to weave a narrow vision scenario. Spin becomes a “filtered version of the truth”. Thanks to a commentor on a recent post, I have the perfect example to use on this Squawk post.


Yes, it definitely depends on where you grew up.

If you know history, you know that unions were one of the primary reasons we have a middle-class today. In the midst of the Industrial Revolution about a hundred years ago, the working class were living serf lives. Many lived in “company towns” where their employer took everything he paid them back in rent and limited groceries at the company story.  It took the willingness of some to suffer injury and death in order to form unions that would finally force employers to give the workers their share of the wealth they created.  Yes, I know that unions went on like most other institutions to be a self-focused thing.  But, just look at wages in the last 30 years to see the proof of what the lack of collective bargaining results in.  In a capitalist society, we need collective bargaining agents to level the playing field between the grossly rich and everyone else.

Whether Republicans like to admit it or not, having a job is what almost everyone wants.  But there are some who at one time or another in their lives need help. “Keeping everyone dependent on the government” is pure myth. But it does rile up the GOP base to spin the tale of the lazy welfare mom who cranks out babies for more money.

It would be great if neighbors were able and willing to take care of each other but that just doesn’t happen enough to meet the circumstances of our or any other time. Churches and other private institutions presently meet about 3% of the total hardship need. Where are the other 97% supposed to go if the government quits accepting its responsibility of providing for the constitutionally required general welfare?

Ending, I would like to believe that racism and bigotry have no place in America today but that is pure wishful thinking. So many people today are driven by an abject fear of so many things. A good part of that fear is the spin that is put on the subject by others trying to keep them in the “right” tribe.  If we could ever get over that, our world would be a more perfect place. You might even say that then God’s kingdom could come to earth like it is in heaven.

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2 thoughts on “(WS) A Filtered Version Of The Truth…

    1. Welcome bowen4flag to RJsCorner. I would be interested in hearing your spin on this story. I think everything I stated is based on facts and historical accounts. I suppose you could call that “spin” if you want.


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