The Streak Is Broken…

As of yesterday, I broke my streak here at RJsCorner. Until then, I had posted 293 consecutive days! I don’t know whether that is some kind or record, but it is for me. Those 293 days started soon after my wife’s death last July. My brain had been running at top speed for 78 days between her heart attack and her death. The only way I could get it to slow down was to concentrate on my blogging, and I did just that.

The second thing to happen to make this change is that I have been in isolation here at my retirement community for four days with a positive Covid test. Yeah, I did go through all the symptoms over the past three days, but they are now in the past. I am feeling fine now am and told that isolation will end tomorrow and the mask mandate will end in five days.

Now that my brain seems to be at a normal speed, at least for me, I intend to go back to my normal three or so posts a week. The posts will be more freestyle than structured as I plan to will cover whatever is on my mind. This kinda goes along with my “Getting out of my comfort zone”. I have about a dozen things in the draft queue already. My On-The-Road trip has been postponed for a week, but it will start next Monday. Naturally, those stories will be the main fodder for the remainder of the trip, however long that is.

As I said, my posts here will likely be more freestyle, to fit my mood at the time. I think that dropping the daily scheduled routine will also result in a little better quality of product also. Hopefully not as much rambling as has happened lately. Yeah, I even realize that I am rambling more recently. Future posts will be a more mellowed out RJ that you will be seeing. For me, that is a good thing.

4 thoughts on “The Streak Is Broken…

  1. I am, actually, glad you have caught it and are healing from it. I hope it will make your trip even more enjoyable not to worry. Being sick on the road is not fun.
    One foot in front of the other. If you find your shoes in Idaho, let me know!


    1. Thanks for the kind words, Janette. I, too, am kinda glad I got Covid before my trip. It gives me another level of protection in addition to the four vaccinations. 😎 With those vaccinations it was much milder than it might have been.

      I have been on over twenty trips in my uRV, but nothing like this one. If this isn’t nomad life I don’t know what is?


  2. RJ, I hope you have continued to feel well and are busy preparing for/heading out on your trip. I smiled at your scientific notation for micro when writing about your uRV in your previous comment! Love it!


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