Finding My “Kindred Spirit”…

I am a fan of “Anne of Green Gables” in almost all of its forms. It is the story of a spunky orphan who grew up on Prince Edward Island in eastern Canada. That type of story is kind of out of character for me, I am more of a scifi guy of the Star Wars/Star Trek venue. I don’t know what draws me to it, but I am definitely drawn. 😉

One of the things I loved about Anne was that she was just not afraid to be different from those around her. I wish I had been less afraid of the world when I was her age. Instead, I constantly worried about how different I was from others around me.

Another thing I loved about Anne was that she was always on the lookout for her “kindred spirit”. That is someone who understood her for who she was. Someone who had the same views of life.

Before I go any further, I need to explain that a little about my personal life. Yes, my recently departed wife was the first, and probably only, love of my life, but she simply couldn’t be my kindred spirit. We probably disagreed on more things that we agreed. That made life interesting but not kindred.

I think maybe we all are constantly searching for someone who thinks as we do. It makes us feel like we are not alone in this world. It soothes our savage beast.

Maybe I am just not looking hard enough for my kindred spirit, but I don’t think I have ever come across one in my seventy-five-year lifetime. That level of friendship just seems impossible for me. Poor me!! Before I get off on a pity-party here, I will shut this post down. I don’t need another one of those right now.

4 thoughts on “Finding My “Kindred Spirit”…

  1. If you haven’t already watched it and have access to it, I recommend the series Anne with an E. We watched it on Netflix a while back. I hope it is still available.


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