Lessons Learned

One of the perks of retirement life is that we finally have time to achieve any talent you desire, and for our mental health, it is critical that we do exactly that.

Quite literally, we must all regularly study something new. That includes reading manuals and How-Tos. I know that is not natural, but it is the only way to become proficient at ANYTHING.

That applies to me and to all of you as well. I am finally in the process of learning a new app that I know will make me a better artist, but it is a steep learning curve. I am up to it. That app is Lightroom. I have dabbled with it but have never taken the time to “Learn” it.

Here it is in the mid-January to mid-February time when the Midwest becomes pretty much intolerable. What better time to hunker down and chalk up some “Lessons Learned” accomplishments.

Wish me luck…

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