Low Expectations…

I still remember reading the book Great Expectations in my early teenage years. It was a book written by Charles Dickens in 1861 about an orphan named Pip. It was unusual in that it was written in a first-person narrative. So, to my young mind, I felt I was reliving his story.

The way the book Great Expectations came into this post was kinda round about. The quote above is in some ways practical, but in others depressing. To me, it basically says if you keep a glum attitude in life, you won’t be disappointed in what happens.

I am a dreamer, and always have been. I dream of better days ahead, even though they don’t seem to happen very often the last few years. In other words, I have high expectations rather than low expectations.

Of course, I realize that my days of dreaming are about over, but I will cling to great expectation as long as I can.

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