Techie Lessons…

I have always been a techie. I paid almost a month’s salary for my first computer in the early 1980s and never turned back since then.  Over the years I have gotten some heat from others about being a nerd, even before the word was invented.  But I think my techie mentality has served me well over the years and it definitely has given me something to do in my senior years. I see others my age making statement like “I don’t understand (some say use) any of that computer stuff”. Of course almost every child born in the last decade has grown up with serious technology products almost in their cribs. So, my generation is likely one of the last ones to have members totally resistant to having technological knowledge.

With all this in mind in case you haven’t noticed I started a new Seniors Only post category entitled “Technology is your friend”. It will concentrate on technology news and maybe help some of you to understand how technology can improve you life, yes even in your senior years.  Past generations of seniors have been much more isolated than we are.  Some of us are like them but given today’s world we don’t need to be. Keeping in communications with others is one of the secrets of joyful life. No man is an island; we were meant to be around others.

Some future posts here will be about helping you talk with your grandkids! I mean that from both a literal and a relational standpoint.

Some posts will be reviews of current products and how you might be able to use them to improve your life.

Some posts will be looking at very forward focused technology in diverse areas and speculating how that might change the world.

Some posts will be just to poke fun as some of us being left behind in the world today. I include myself in that category in some areas particularly music.

Given that I have been a techie much of my personal and professional life I have knowledge in this area that I want to share with you.  I hope it helps a little. If not just ignore it (ha).

3 thoughts on “Techie Lessons…

  1. Most of the women my wife interacts with on various church projects only communicate by texting, They never call and very rarely e-mail (or read any mail sent to them). These ladies are in their 40’s and 50’s so not exactly youngsters. Keeping up with how people communicate and exchange information is a constantly moving target. Learn to adapt or you fall out of the loop!


  2. Okay, if we seniors are supposed to keep up with technology why do they keep making everything so tiny? I can’t for the life of me type on those little keyboards or screens on smartphones. Help!
    I love to read but will books really disappear and leave us no option but ebooks…I get headaches from reading screens for long periods of time.
    I’m trying, but it’s physically difficult to embrace the newest techie things. Sigh.
    Why can’t things just stop changing so quickly?
    Wow…that question really puts me in the senior category for sure doesn’t it?
    Sigh again.


  3. Bob, yeah it is a constantly moving target. As a matter of fact the kids say that texting is sooo yesterday.. (ha)

    Jane, welcome to the blog. yeah tiny fonts are a problem but that can be solved usually quite easily for most apps. I will get into those details in the coming weeks. As far as books go, I don’t think we will ever get rid of them. They will just be supplemented by the electronic version and at a much lower price. Of course that will put some bookbinders out of business. sigh… I too get headaches from reading computer screens too long. The but the e-ink used on the Amazon readers is not like reading it on a computer. It can even be read in full sunlight without any problems! Again I will be covering most of your other issues in the coming weeks so hang in there and come back often.


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