Fixated On A Set Of Beliefs

There are just too many people who seem to be fanatical about one set of beliefs or another in today’s world. But, now that those beliefs are being questioned by more and more people, they are panicked. Many have come to the totally irrational feeling that it is better to tear the world apart than to consider modifying their beliefs to match reality.

They think their beliefs were founded in antiquity, when in reality, most were fabricated by people way beyond that period of time. Some of those people sincerely think they had the answers that no one else has figured out.

But, then there are those who maliciously put out their faulty beliefs, to gain power over others. They want a world fabricated on their erroneous thoughts of power and domination. They see the world made up of mostly gullible people who will cling to anyone that has a good enough story. Because of their target audience’s stupidity, It doesn’t matter if it has any sense of reality.

I kinda wonder who you think I am talking about? Here is my list, not in any particular order:

  • Many religious groups in of various flavors who take their “holy” documents that were written and constantly modified over the years, as being literal and unchangeable truth from the start.
  • The MAGA Clan, who don’t have enough intelligence, or is just too lazy, to think for themselves and to realize they are being conned.
  • Much of the Rural Community who see their way of life disappearing. Corporate farms are taking over, and their somewhat simple way of life is quickly disappearing.
  • Gullible people who are especially vulnerable to con artists. There sadly appears to be a lot in this group now.

Do all of these groups end up being larger than the rest of us? That is the question that will determine our future.

I will end this post, as I have many before, with a quote from Thomas Jefferson.

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